Community Partners
Our Community Impact Cabinet volunteers work diligently to identify and fund Community Partners to address Anderson County’s most pressing needs and create positive, lasting and measurable change.
Anderson Free Clinic
The Free Clinic provides medical, dental, vision, mental health, and pharmacy services to the uninsured whose income does not exceed 200% of the Federal Poverty guidelines and who have no insurance.
Anderson/Oconee Speech and Hearing Services
At AOSH, their mission is to meet a community need by providing comprehensive speech and hearing services to anyone with a speech or hearing problem at a low cost. AOSH is the only agency in Anderson County that services hearing impaired children whose families cannot afford it.
Cancer Association of Anderson
CAA provides resources to those who are battling cancer. Its mission is to help reduce the burden of cancer on Anderson County residents by providing treatment-related financial assistance, information and referrals, as well as emotional support.
Children's Cancer Partners of the Carolinas
Children’s Cancer Partners provides resources, community, and loving compassion to children with cancer.
HOPE Missions Of The Upstate
HOPE Mission exists to share the love of Jesus Christ by building relationships with those who are dealing with deep poverty, homelessness, loneliness and other trauma.
Sunbelt Human Advancement Resources, Inc. (SHARE)
SHARE’s vision is to create a community where anyone can rise above poverty and achieve economic stability. The mission is to help people and communities exit poverty and achieve economic stability.
The Champions Center For Special Children
The United Way partnership with the Champions Center helps to provide funding for an onsite nurse so that students can learn in a safe environment. They provide on-site occupational, physical, and speech therapy; the equipment and facilities needed to provide a stimulating, safe, and appropriate environment for children to gain confidence, self-esteem, and maximize potential.
Homelessness & Housing
AIM coordinates with several area church groups, civic organizations, and clubs to build ramps or make minor repairs to qualified applicants. We match clients in need with the resources and labor needed to make these improvements, which will enable them to remain self-sufficient.
Habitat For Humanity
Everyone should have an affordable, durable place to live in dignity and safety. With volunteers, donors and our future homeowners, we build decent, affordable shelter for people in need.
Rebuild Upstate
Rebuild Upstate provides home repair to seniors, disabled people, and those who have medical needs and creates a safe environment for them. Whether that is addressing safe entry and exit by building a new wheelchair ramp or ensuring that a family is healthy and dry under a new roof, their goal with every home repair is to make sure the residents remain comfortably and safely in their homes.
The Salvation Army
For those with no place to go or in need of emergency shelter, local Salvation Army homeless shelters provide a warm, safe place for men, women, and – whenever possible – families to stay.
Safe Harbor
Safe Harbor offers a continuum of services for survivors of domestic violence and their children in Anderson County. Their services include a 24/7 Help Line, safe emergency shelters, counseling for adults and children, case management, assistance with filing for an Order of Protection, transitional housing, domestic violence education, parenting classes, and group support.
Upstate Warrior Solution
This group of dedicated individuals meets veterans where they are in life and assists with navigating them through their next steps. Upstate Warrior Solution helps connect warriors and their families to supportive services and community resources in Anderson County. Upstate Warrior Solution offers face-to-face outreach and case coordination to assess areas of need including employment, navigating VA benefits, Mental Health Support or simply meeting other warriors and military families in the area. They are also participating in a Suicide Prevention Study.
Vets Helping Vets
VHVA is focused on providing support and assistance to veterans and their partners by aiming to create a sense of camaraderie among vets and helps them navigate the challenges they may face during their life.
Meeting Basic Needs
Alston Wilkes Society
The mission at AWS is “Rebuilding Lives for a Safer Community” and we look to achieve that by providing the assistance and resources necessary for our clients to find the security and stability that allows them to become productive members of society, Our programs work in partnership with the Veterans Administration and Federal Bureau of Prisons and are nationally accredited.
Anderson Emergency Kitchen
The mission of Anderson’s Emergency Kitchen (AEK) is to address hunger. It is a weekday (Monday through Friday) feeding program that provides a hot nutritional meal to all in need who come through our doors. Our strategy is not a lofty strategy, but it is an essential one to the clients we serve. Many of them may not be able to get even one meal a day, and others are pressed to be food secure without these meals. During the pandemic, the Soup Kitchen will be serving carry-out meals only.
First Light (Formerly Foothills Alliance)
The sexual trauma center at First Light serves survivors, family members, and others involved in recovery from sexual assault or child abuse in Anderson. Their Child Advocacy Center is a safe place for children; with intervention specialists in counseling, and prosecution, to provide healing for children and their loved ones. Through outreach and education, they host workshops to help youth build healthy relationships and to help adults recognize and prevent sexual assault and child abuse.
Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels delivers a hot, nutritious meal daily to over 650 recipients across Anderson County. But it is so much more than food in a tray. Volunteers deliver recipients their food, but they also greet them, interact with them and make sure they are doing okay. This warm, human interaction helps reduce the feelings of isolation and improves their physical and mental health and also makes them feel safe and cared for.
The LOT Project
The LOT Project seeks to cultivate intentional relationships with those in need, to build connections to the opportunities in our community, and to serve our neighbors in creative and empowering ways.
Financial Stability
The United Way Financial Stability Center at AIM
To address the obstacles that prevent hard working families from getting ahead financially, we launched the United Way Financial Stability Center at AIM, an initiative that promotes community-change strategies to help families meet their basic needs, while gaining the financial capability to plan for, and accomplish, their long-term financial goals.